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Taking out the ring is not an easy task.把圆环取出并不是件容易的事情
Переглядів 71814 днів тому
Taking out the ring is not an easy task.把圆环取出并不是件容易的事情
Make puzzles using scraps of discarded wood.利用废弃的小木片制作拼图
Переглядів 65721 день тому
Make puzzles using scraps of discarded wood.利用废弃的小木片制作拼图
Lollipop socket, have you tried it?棒棒糖插座,你尝试过么
Переглядів 30221 день тому
Lollipop socket, have you tried it?棒棒糖插座,你尝试过么
The "firewood knot" is very easy to use, have you learned it?“捆柴绳结”十分好用,你学会了么
Переглядів 59521 день тому
The "firewood knot" is very easy to use, have you learned it?“捆柴绳结”十分好用,你学会了么
The oldest fish basket made of hemp rope and branches.用麻绳和树枝做的最古老的鱼筐
Переглядів 9 тис.28 днів тому
The oldest fish basket made of hemp rope and branches.用麻绳和树枝做的最古老的鱼筐
Demonstration of Type 66 and Type 96 nail collars.钉子套环66式和96式的实时演示
Переглядів 8 тис.Місяць тому
Demonstration of Type 66 and Type 96 nail collars.钉子套环66式和96式的实时演示
The nail ring is not inserted through the gap.钉子环并不是通过缝隙套进去的
Переглядів 1,9 тис.Місяць тому
The nail ring is not inserted through the gap.钉子环并不是通过缝隙套进去的
The subtleties of horseshoe lock can only be understood by playing it.马蹄锁的精妙之处只有玩过的人才会懂
Переглядів 6 тис.Місяць тому
The subtleties of horseshoe lock can only be understood by playing it.马蹄锁的精妙之处只有玩过的人才会懂
The amazing way to place nails.看到五金店这神奇的钉子摆放方式我也试着做了一个
Переглядів 2 тис.Місяць тому
The amazing way to place nails.看到五金店这神奇的钉子摆放方式我也试着做了一个
Use discarded prop trees to make a decorative tree for gifts.利用废弃的道具树做了一个挂礼物的装饰树
Переглядів 1,6 тис.Місяць тому
Use discarded prop trees to make a decorative tree for gifts.利用废弃的道具树做了一个挂礼物的装饰树
A 12-year-old boy completed his first wood-in-a-bottle challenge.12岁男孩第一次挑战瓶中取木居然在12分钟内完成了
Переглядів 1,4 тис.Місяць тому
A 12-year-old boy completed his first wood-in-a-bottle challenge.12岁男孩第一次挑战瓶中取木居然在12分钟内完成了
I made a bench out of simple scrap wood strips.我用简单的废弃木条做了一个条凳
Переглядів 688Місяць тому
I made a bench out of simple scrap wood strips.我用简单的废弃木条做了一个条凳
Put the screws and nails in the bottle.这就是中国传统的瓶中取木游戏
Переглядів 2,6 тис.Місяць тому
Put the screws and nails in the bottle.这就是中国传统的瓶中取木游戏